Here at the Tax Defenders, we believe that sometimes slower is better, especially in the case of tax resolution. Here, we take the time to FULLY understand you and your tax issue so that we can produce the most beneficial results for tax resolution.
While most firms ask for an over the phone consultation, we take multitude of additional steps in our full investigation which is entirely free to the potential client. This means we take the extra time and steps it takes to truly understand your tax issue and if or how we can fix it.
Traditionally, the process starts with a phone call consultation which involves you speaking with an unlicensed worker about your current tax situation. But, at the tax defenders, we start with a phone call from you in which you will be connected to one of our licensed professionals who is educated and experienced in the tax resolution industry.
Where a normal firm would ask you a few baseline questions to vaguely conceptualize your issue, we give an opening interview in which we get to understand your situation in detail while informing you on how the process works. And in the case that there is no need for you to hire us, we’ll tell you straight out.
Then, our investigation begins. We go in to further understand your situation and realistic plans and options to help you and your tax issue.
We start the investigation with a full financial interview where we take information like your job info, life circumstances, expenses, assets, and special IRS considerations to really explicitly understand the difference between what you CAN pay vs what the IRS wants you to pay.
Then, our next step is to look at your official IRS Information, this way we leave no margin for surprises. We look at records of accounts, balances due, penalties assessed, statute of limitations, and account transcripts so that we can form concrete certainty about your situation. Nothing is left to chance.
Next, we go through a data analysis to calculate what your best tax resolution options are using IRS standards and modelling. Our team has over 100 shared years of experience of finding clients all possible resolutions.
Then we send our data through a senior level case review in which our licensed and experienced professions find the best tax relief options that best benefit you and your circumstances.
This whole process takes up to 2 to 4 days in time. All these steps we do in place of the 15-30 min consultation other firms will give to you. Additionally, we do all of these extra steps at absolutely no cost to you because we want to find the best possible outcome for you and we don’t want to take on a case if we cannot help.
In the final step, other firms will give quote their fees and maybe promise a settlement. But the tax defenders will give you a full presentation of our findings showing you what all we discovered and what relief programs work best for you as well as our fees and arrange them in a way that is reasonable for you.
In the end, other firms will pressure for an immediate and impulsive hiring decision from you. But we want both you and the tax defenders to fully understand your situation so that you can make an informed and insightful hiring decision.
Please, if you feel you have a tax issue that we can resolve, do not hesitate to call us at (312) 345-5440 or visit our website at